Password Factory

Your Key to Great Passwords

Password Factory for is the most powerful password generator available. By using cryptographically secure random generators it creates almost truly random passwords. Each password type is tuned to generate passwords that are secure, yet memorable.

Five Password Types

Random passwords are generated by randomly combining characters to create a strong password. Several options give impressive control over what is generated.

Using the pattern type lets you create passwords in specific formats. This lets you create passwords to fit your particular needs.

The pronounceable type lets you create a password that is easy to remember and type, but is also strong.

With several options, the passphrase type creates passwords by randomly stringing words together. Many separator and case types give you multiple formats for your password.

For the experienced user, there is the advanced type. This type adds the power of regular expressions, and the pattern system to create passwords in formats not given by the other four types.


Password Factory for macOS

Password Factory for macOS is the most powerful password generator available. It allows you to create many types of passwords and it is made so that it is always available at your fingertips. It can generate several different types of passwords, plus it has the optional ability to store previously generated passwords.


Password Factory for iOS

Password Factory for iOS has the power of the macOS version, with the ability to take it with you. It has the same five password types and the ability to store passwords.
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